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A Real-world Discussion About Financial Planning Software

Amrita Financial partners with Finance Logix to bring life settlements to financial planners and wealth managers. The partnership brings unprecedented life settlement tools to financial planners. Amrita Financial will supply its life settlement analytical tools and life settlement transactional platform for use by Finance Logix financial planners. The result is financial planners will have more robust tools that will enable them to better understand clients’ life insurance values and treat a life insurance policy as a marketable asset. This will allow financial planners and their clients to access more information and finally make the best decisions possible.

The partnership will have Amrita Financial providing analytical tools through a familiar Finance Logix interface to financial planners. One important tool will produce a deterministic value of a life insurance policy regarding the secondary market, otherwise known as a policy’s life settlement value. Financial planning software provided financial planners with just information on a life insurance policy’s cash surrender value up until this point. That is the amount a life insurance company will pay the policy holder to surrender or give up the policy. Life settlement values can be 200-500% of the cash value.

Financial Planning Software Conundrum

Only after learning the value of a life insurance policy regarding the secondary market can planners and their clients decide the best strategy for an unwanted or unneeded life insurance policy. Understanding that a life insurance policy has value beyond the cash surrender value offered by an insurance carrier allows financial planners and their client to make the best decision.

Once a planner and their client do decide to pursue a life settlement, their Finance Logix software is ready to further serve them. The Finance Logix software is tied into the Amrita Financial life settlement transactional platform which will permit the seller to receive bids from financial institutions. The transparency of the Amrita Financial system is vastly improved over the traditional bricks and mortar life settlement brokers. Financial planners and policy sellers have access to all of the critical information at an early stage of the life settlement process to the finish. Planners and clients can see all of the insurance and medical record documentation that has been collected, the number of financial institutions actively bidding and all offers in real time.

The new Amrita Financial and Finance Logix strategic partnership will make a major impact on the way life settlements are originated. There is now an answer that provides much better transparency and accountability compared with traditional life settlement brokers.

Without the enterprise resource financial planning software you’ll need to call each department, have them look up all the information that you requested, write it down, make a copy or type it up and have it sent over to you. Some departments may have that information to you quickly while others won’t respond so well. You want to save everyone time by purchasing the enterprise resource planning software.

Without the software you may spend countless hours in your business doing something that you could have already had done. Enterprise resource financial planning software can assist you to meet your business needs.

In summary, look for Amrita Financial to become a fixture in the fiscal planning community as a consequence of this strategic partnership with Finance Logix.

Tax And Financial Planning – What’s Needed?

In my role in divorce planning I have heard more than once, clients articulate that they would prefer death over another divorce. The stress takes years off one’s life. The scars take a lifetime to heal. Typically it takes the average divorced couple seven years to recover financially from a divorce. Divorce is never a positive thing, no matter what the psychologists say. Everyone in the family unit suffers. The most distressing part of divorce planning from an advisor point of view is the failure of the client to think clearly. Their brains don’t function at an optimum level. The stress clouds their thinking. They just want the divorce process to end so they can get on with their lives. Oftentimes this means settling for less in order to speed up the process. For those seriously considering divorce, either in the very beginning stages of a divorce the time to lay out the financial planning strategies is now, not later. You need to calculate your course of measures at the very beginning, because during the divorce process you’ll be unable to think as clearly as you do at the beginning.

How To Start A Cafe Business – Some Background

Many people are considering doing freelance work or starting a small, home-based business, owing to the global economic recession. Unemployment figures are awful and the job market’s worse than many of us can remember.

The Internet has been subjected to as a ‘disruptive technology’ since it has completely transformed so many areas of modern life. The Internet has permeated nearly every aspect of society, from communication to banking, and from research to shopping. The Internet has changed our world to the point that most people have a hard time remembering life before the Internet.

In addition to the internet and latest PCs for business plan for internet cafe, you’ll also necessary to ensure that you’re connecting all the computers with one another, as well as with the server. This will ensure that files move smoothly between computers and they stay attached to the internet. If you’re not sure how to create network, you can hire someone to assist you with this but never start an internet cafe without creating an efficient network and a development plan for internet cafe first.

When working on your business plan for internet cafe, you’ll also need to add printing and scanning facilities so that customers can have it all under one roof. You should offer competitive rates for these extra services. If you have something else in mind, bring it to the table. It may just turn out to be your competitive advantage for your business plan for internet cafe.

To start an internet cafe successfully, you’ll need to get a business plan. Everything mentioned above will contribute when it is a question of writing a business plan for internet cafe. You will have your initial investment decided, services to be provided known, and competitor advantage decided already. You will only have to make sure that you’re adding all these to your business plan. Once you do that, you will not have much trouble writing a business plan for internet cafe.

Writing a business plan for internet cafe can be extremely difficult if you’ve got no experience, o desire, or no education to learn new things. You may just find it the biggest barrier before starting your internet cafe business. If this is happening with you, try using some professional help. You can easily find business plan services, for instance. You can get your plan written within a week. You can also use sample templates as the starting point. If you have some special love for software, you’ll find a good business plan maker. These programs are comprehensive piece of software that gives you all the professional help in writing a development plan for internet cafe.

One of the best possible means to improve on your earlier knowledge is to read sample plans or real plans that other internet cafe businesses use. You can find these all parts of the internet.

This amazing technology, coupled with the universal mainstream adoption of the technology, has created exciting new business opportunities for entrepreneurs. Many people now earn a respectable living working from the convenience of their home in jobs or businesses that weren’t even invented a few short years ago. The web design business is one of the following new opportunities offered by the popularity of the Internet.

As Internet usage continues to increase around the globe companies are constantly in need of web design services. Some large companies hire web designers and web programmers to maintain their websites. However, most smaller businesses (and a great deal of larger business too) contract out their web design and web content needs to freelance web designers or web design businesses.

Web design businesses are also ideally suited to starting and operating on a small budget. (This assumes, of course, that any person interested in starting a web design business probably already owns a computer and has access to the Internet!) Web design businesses can be easily run from a spare room at home, a corner in the living room, or even from a local Internet cafe. In more than a decade as a web designer I have never had a client want to visit my ‘office. ‘ Most communications are handled via e-mail or phone with an occasional visit to their office.

The web design business couldn’t have been imagined by most people only a few short years ago. I graduated from secondary school in 1988 and knew only one person besides my who owned a ‘home computer. ‘ Computers were only beginning to be applied in business and the World Wide Web wouldn’t yet be invented for another year.

The Internet is clearly the driving force of the popularity of personal computers. E-mail, Internet chat, music and video downloads, instant access to reference material, and e-commerce all owe their existence to the Internet. Without the Internet none of these popular services would be possible.

The web design industry has changed significantly over the ten years that I have taken part in the industry. In the 1990s most websites were simple, static sites with content that rarely changed. Most sites today are dynamic and powered by database applications. Modern sites may be updated daily or even many times each day. The type of sites customers need may be somewhat different now only in the past; however, businesses still need websites designed, set up, and maintained. The market may evolve and change but businesses will always need someone to look after their website.

Starting any businesses involves many decisions, including some legal considerations like which business structure to use. A comprehensive discussion of the legal considerations for a web design business is beyond the scope of the present article, but many resources are available to give more information about this topic (both online and in print).

I have always operated my web design business from a home office. Commercial rent and utilities are much too expensive for me to consider office space a viable option. I wouldn’t personally consider rented office space for my web design business unless I had employees or a customer base that expected to be in a position to come to my office frequently.

Business structure decisions may be restricted by the state in which you live. The state that I presently live in offers no business structure other than sole proprietor to individuals, for instance. I would need to hold on a partner, with a view to file any type of corporate business application. Which business structure you should choose for you web design business will depend on your circumstances and what options your home state provides. Contact the Secretary of State in your home state (or visit their website) for more information on business structures available in your home state.

Small business bookkeeping is actually not as scary as it may sound. Modern accounting programs like QuickBooks by Intuit make it fairly easy to keep accurate records and generate very useful business financial reports. Accurate financial records are essential to business success. It is impossible to determine if you’re making money or losing money without good records and reports. Accurate business records will likewise help you (or your accountant) claim all business deductions you’re entitled to when you file your tax returns. Your accountant will be in a position to help you configure your accounting software to best meet the requirements of your web design business.

Two things in life are certain, as the expression goes, and they’re death and taxes. Business tax returns can become quite complex and it almost always advisable to have an accountant prepare your returns. The general rule is that your accountant will probably save you far more than you pay in accounting and tax preparation fees. There are many deductions available to small business owners but the rules are often confusing. To make matters worse, many tax rules change from year to year. Accountants regularly take classes to stay on top of the building tax regulations and are likely to rescue you money in the long run.

Business licenses are required by many cities and villages. This is something which appears to be less common in the rural than in urban areas. Ideally your city or town clerk’s office should have this information on their website. However, many governments have been ludicrously slow to migrate information to the Web so you may be required to call or visit to inquire about business licenses. Usually a business license simply requires filling out a short application and paying a filing fee (usually renewable annually). My experience has been that this is generally just one more tax and the application is more informational than anything. It is wise to pay the fee if your municipality requires a business license rather than risk being fined or penalized for not obtaining the license.

Every business needs to participate in marketing and advertising in order to draw customers. The simplest and most efficient form of marketing and advertising is ‘word of mouth’ referrals from satisfied customers. Unfortunately, this requires customers to work so new businesses will need to jumpstart their advertising, with a view to find customers.

Networking or social marketing is a strong (and low-cost) method of marketing your business. Networking seeks to leverage existing relationships to find customers. The reality is that the majority people, including business owners and decision makers, would rather do business with someone they know than with someone they don’t know. This isn’t to claim that a business owner won’t do business with a stranger. However, they often prefer to do dealing with a friend or acquaintance. You can use this option to your advantage by respectfully asking for people’s business (not by spamming them though).

Direct marketing to local businesses can also be an effective way of jumpstarting your web design business. Many businesses prefer to cope with local service providers instead of an unknown service provider in a distant city. Cold calling, or visiting target businesses ‘door to door’ can be an excellent way to meet local business owners and find new customers. This approach does require the capacity to handle rejection from prospective customers but can still pay off with new customers.

Obviously you’ll wish to use the Internet in your business marketing. Make sure your business website is top notch and conveys a professional image to potential customers. Remember that you just have one chance to make that first impression! Your website should be search engine optimized for the markets you wish to target. You may want to dedicate a page on your site to your location and any local businesses you work with already, for instance. This will improve your search engine ranking for web design services in your town or city. Similarly, you may wish to create several pages dealing with any market niche you service. This will improve your search ranking for web design services in your market niche.

Printing is easy to forget about in the Internet age. However, you’ll at least want to have quality business cards printed. You will have many opportunities to hand out business cards to potential customers. Business cards should have your name, your company name (if you use one), adequate information about your business to describe what services you offer, and your contact information (website address, e-mail address, and phone). You may also decide to have multi-part contract forms printed or other promotional literature like brochures or flyers.

Formal advertising options include advertising in your local newspaper, pay-per-click advertising, direct mail campaigns, advertising, and banner advertising in trade association publications. Which options are best will rely on the type of customers you’re seeking to attract and your advertising budget. It is always a good idea to test marketing campaigns with some type of quantifiable data so that you will be able to measure performance. Blind marketing campaigns can consume your entire advertising budget without producing any meaningful return on your investment.

Domain registrations and web hosting are two closely related income streams that shouldn’t be ignored. Some business customers may already have a domain name registered and hosting set up. These customers may only want you to provide design or content. However, many businesses, particularly those without an existing web presence, may want you to deal with the domain name registration and hosting as well. Domain name are typically renewed annually and hosting is typically renewed monthly (though either can be renewed for longer periods). The actual income from either source is small by itself but quickly adds up with multiple accounts. Domain registrations also provide residual income each month that requires few or no work on your part.

Some hosting providers offer reseller accounts that will enable you to easily set up customer hosting accounts and even integrate billing. This is quite convenient since billing for hosting can get complicated once you start amassing more than a few hosting accounts.

There are many excellent hosting providers to choose from and more than just a few not-so-good hosting providers. Carefully check out any hosting provider in advance and research what their customers are already saying about them. Cheap isn’t necessarily a good thing when it is a matter to web hosting. Remember, your customer won’t be calling the hosting provider when their site is down-they’ll be calling you. Save yourself these headaches and choose an affordable, quality hosting provider.

Starting a web design business will require some computer software. The software you use will depend on several factors though, including personal preferences, budget, and the type and degree of services you plan to offer. You will need graphic software, a text editor, and an office suite at a minimum. The good news is that such programs are all available for free by using open source software! Many web designers also like to take a visual XHTML editor. These are much harder to be found in non-commercial versions.

Text editors are arguably the most versatile piece of software you’ll install on your computer. In fact, probably the only software I use as much as a text editor is a web browser. Microsoft’s Notepad is fairly anemic and few programmers hold a favorable view of the application. I currently use the Scite SC1 editor freely available from Scintilla. I have also used Notepad+ + in the past. Any decent text editor will work but most modern versions now include syntax highlighting (very useful for hand coding or editing), word count, line numbering, and other handy features.

Visual HTML editors have advanced significantly over the past decade and most web designers now use some type of visual editor to speed site development. Many options are available when choosing a visual HTML editor.

Popular visual HTML editors include Microsoft Visual Web Developer, Adobe Dreamweaver, and CoffeeCup HTML Editor. These applications are all commercially available in varying packages with varying costs. Microsoft Web Developer and CoffeeCup HTML Editor both do offer a limited-feature free version. KompoZer is an interesting (and free) project currently under development. KompoZer is a continuation of the abandoned Nvu project.

Each visual HTML editor has its’ own set of capabilities, advantages and complications. Which editor is best (or if either of them are best) will be determined in accordance with budget, your preferences, and the type of development you’re doing.

Graphic design software is most commonly used for exposure and image editing. However, decent graphic design software is also important for making banners, site graphics, and logos. Graphic design software can be very costly depending on which program you purchase.

Popular graphics programs include Adobe Photoshop, Gimp, and Corel Paint Shop Pro. Adobe Photoshop is the industry standard but carries a price tag that might well be greater than your monthly rent payment. Corel Paint Shop Pro (formerly Jasc Paint Shop Pro) is a large program with a much more affordable price. Gimp is a powerful, open source program that is available for free. Gimp will likely take care of all you need to do unless you’re a real graphic designer (in which event you probably already have Photoshop).

An office suite of software is essential for routine business tasks, invoicing, presentations, like proposals, and basic bookkeeping with spreadsheets. Regardless of how high-tech the web design business may be there are still occasions when you’ll need to type a letter, prepare a presentation or use a spreadsheet. Customers are also likely to send you documents periodically.

Some popular office suites include Microsoft Office, OpenOffice.org, and Corel WordPerfect. Microsoft Office is, of course, the industry standard. Office and WordPerfect both carry outrageously high price tags though. OpenOffice.org is the up and coming office suite of choice for many people. OpenOffice.org does everything you would expect an office suite to do-but without the price. OpenOffice.org is freely available and will import and export Microsoft Office documents.

Standards compliance is a kind of buzz word these days but is one thing that every web designer should be striving to reach and maintain. Developing websites that comply with current, International standards is best practice and should still be the goal. Sites that are standards compliant should work satisfactorily in every modern web browser-whether desktop, handheld, or laptop.

Many web designers have a bad attitude about web standards. They seem to assume that standards are implemented to hold them back or to make their job difficult. Nothing could be further from the truth! Web standards allow web designers to design one site that works in all browsers rather than designing multiple copies of each site to accommodate several different browsers. As the Internet continues to grow and more mobile devices are used to access the Internet it becomes all the more important to design to industry standards. It is simply impossible to predict what devices will be utilized to access a website. Standards-compliant sites are the only way to ensure that everyone can access a site.

Sooner or later you’ll be dealing with a project that is outside the scope of your abilities and skills. This leaves you with the option of turning down the project (and the revenue) or finding a freelancer to complete the section of the project you cannot handle. Subcontracting out sections of a project to freelancers has become increasingly common as websites have become more complicated.

Working with a freelancer (or several) enables you to expand your things and offer more services to your customers. However, this also complicates your business because you’re now relying on other people to complete critical projects. Remember to build extra time into each project if you plan to subcontract out part of the work. This will provide you with a time buffer if you run into trouble with the work.

It is also a good idea to get a customer sign off on the project scope before you contract with a freelancer. Only after you’re clear on what the customer needs should you ask a freelancer to bid on the project.

Another option for finding freelancers is through a local university of technical college. Any school with an IT program is likely to have plenty of skilled students who could use some extra work. It may be best to work through the management and ask for recommendations to be sure that your prospective freelancer has adequate skills and training.

It is also a good idea to review the IRS definition of an independent contractor versus an employee. Classifying a freelancer as an independent contractor is perfectly legal. However, the IRS prefers that everyone is considered an employee and thus subject to income tax withholding. Make sure you understand the distinction before you hire a freelancer. This isn’t an issue, of course, when using freelance sites.

Starting a web design business is an exciting venture. Best of all, web design businesses are well suited to starting as a shoestring business. While some things may be easier if you do have some cash to invest in the company, it is entirely possible to start your web design business with no investment provided you already have a computer and Internet access.

Starting any business requires a great deal of hard work. Web design is no exception. However, if you enjoy computers and the Internet, web design can also be a fun business. This business also enables you to earn residual income from every hosting customer as hosting and domain name registrations continue to bring in revenue long after the original sale.

There are plenty of decisions to make as you consider launching your web design business. The good news is that in many instances you can start simple or cheap and upgrade software or services as you earn some money. Expensive software licensing fees can be prevented because all of the software you need for your web design business is freely available as open source software; expensive business fees can be avoided by operating as a sole proprietor rather than incorporating. You can always change to more expensive options at a later time if it seems more beneficial to your business.

The future for the web design industry looks strong. The Internet continues to grow at a rapid pace and new technologies like mobile Internet are only beginning to see mainstream adoption. Many businesses still haven’t caught on to the value and importance of a web presence. These businesses will require web design services in the near future if they hope to remain competitive in a global economy. The rapidly evolving nature of the Internet also guarantees that businesses that already have a web presence will need their sites updated and overhauled. This trend also assures web design companies of residual work for many years to come.

Straightforward Advice About Start A Photography Business

AFTER Natasha Cuevas’s daughter, Dakotah, was born in 2003, she wanted to capture every moment of her babyhood on film. A year and many hundreds of prints later, Mrs. Cuevas decided that it was time to invest in the new high-end digital camera she had been coveting.

Keep a list beside your computer for post-ideas, long and short, and add to it constantly. Never go to your Blog or your Facebook page without a clear notion of what you are going to write about! Turn off e-mail alerts when visitors post to your Wall and do not fall into the booby trap of checking it continually like email! Instead allocate time each day to respond to all visitor comments fro mthe last 24 hours. You’ll soon work out when the busy period is and time your visit after that.

Moving on…

The pictures were luminous– so elaborate that she could count Dakotah’s long eyelashes in them. Soon, women in her moms group in Fort Myers, Fla., were asking if she could take pictures of their children.

And buyers can use the money-making potential of their new businesses to justify their purchases. Acquiring a name for the business seems simple; many women just tack the word ‘photography’ after their own names. Many have no requirement that a studio, because the majority of the pictures are shot in natural light outside, or at the client’s home.

Marketing is often by word of mouth. When Jodie Otte (of J. Otte Photography) started her full-time business two years ago, she printed business cards after every photo session, knowing that her clients would pass them along if the cards featured pictures of their own children.

Other women have engineered portrait parties, where several families get together and the budding photographer snaps portraits of the children at play. If the parents like the results, they tell their friends and playgroups, and the photographer’s phone starts ringing.

The rise of photography start-ups is helping other businesses as well. BluDomain, a company that designs Web site templates specifically for photographers, introduces about 100 new sites for clients each month. For $800, a new photographer can have her portfolio designed as a flash-driven, fully editable site with proofing galleries and video.

Although there are no figures tracking start-up photography businesses, Dana Groves, director of marketing and communications at the Professional Photographers of America, says the industry has expanded quickly in recent years. In response, the association in 2004 created a retreat called’ Chicks Who Click ;’ this June, about 250 women will meet at the event in the Bahamas.

Because the overhead can be minimal– some business cards and a great deal of chatting on playgrounds– and because many new photographers have either a full-time job or a husband with one, they can afford to charge less than professional photographers. The professionals, who assert that they offer better quality as a result of their experience and studio equipment, may charge from $50 to several hundred dollars for an 8-by-10-inch print.

Graphs track the average sales price in thousands, as well as the number shipped to sales dealers in millions from 2000 through forecasted 2007.

Tips To Make Money Uncovered

I talk about various ways to make $1000 per month in your spare time over at my newest blog. The first few posts are talking about making money from blogging and my most recent article gives my six personal tips that I have used to start making $1000 each month with my blog. I want to undertake the time here to expand my thoughts on a pair of those tips and also ask you to the blog on Saturday where I will start a series on starting a money making blog. I am not an expert, but am simply an everyday person who enjoys writing about select topics and is currently making some money from a hobby. Be sure to read the other tips for making money.

Tipping is a tricky business. Between waiters and cab drivers and barbers, all that extra money can add up. And it doesn’t make things any easier that each service tends to have its own guidelines for how much to leave on top of the bill. Mobile credit card reader Square dug into its user data – that’s millions of dollars of payments processed through hundreds of thousands of transactions – to find out how people in 10 big cities across the …

Moving The Discussion Forward

A simple search on the Internet will show you that there are hundreds if not thousands of opportunities to earn money at home, and who is not interested in getting a supplementary income from the comfort of the home? Students, retired people and stay-home moms are just some of examples of individuals interested in making some extra money online. The inherent problem about the wonder ways to earn money at home is the vast number of scams that have come to threaten many online workers. Consider the following words of advice so as not to be duped on the part of those who promise the era of gold from Internet deals.

Elements Of How To Get Money Fast

Are you taking into account how can you make money fast? It isn’t tough in any way to start on if you see what to do fortunately for the stimulated person. How can you make money quick? Well, the one money man which forms the easiest and fastest way to make countless money fast. As money man the name says it all, indeed, the power of money man e-book is enormous plenty of people till now manage to make the money also succeeded in their work. The wisdom words prepared by the author in the money man opens the door to make money in huge amount. However, it is very difficult to make money in bulkiness these days there is very much competition within the company in any field as well as hard to find the fine job due to recession. So, what the better idea is to make money in an instant manner as well as effortlessly? Well, money man e-book taking into the consideration would be effective solution and you’ll get all that you expect also easily.

Here’s what I love about Millennials: Our generation wants to learn about money. Young professionals want to know how to be better with money than their parents and their peers. They want to avoid making the same mistakes, and they want to ensure their financial future is secure. I love that Gen Y is eager to learn, and that my generation asks questions like, ‘How can I be financially successful?’ If you turn to personal finance blogs for answers, you’ll find …

Continuing The How To Get Money Fast Discussion

People are always seek ways to make a few extra bucks, no matter though it is online or through any form of employer. Sometimes it is important that they are able to make that money in a very short amount of time, meaning that they do not have the time to formally ask for a real job and wait for a paycheck. Instead, there are other means to make a few extra bucks for those who’re wondering how to make money fast. While these ideas will not make individuals rich, they can help when people need extra money in a very short amount of time.

Elements Of How To Get Money Fast

Are you taking into account how can you make money fast? It isn’t tough in any way to start on if you see what to do fortunately for the stimulated person. How can you make money quick? Well, the one money man which forms the easiest and fastest way to make countless money fast. As money man the name says it all, indeed, the power of money man e-book is enormous plenty of people till now manage to make the money also succeeded in their work. The wisdom words prepared by the author in the money man opens the door to make money in huge amount. However, it is very difficult to make money in bulkiness these days there is very much competition within the company in any field as well as hard to find the fine job due to recession. So, what the better idea is to make money in an instant manner as well as effortlessly? Well, money man e-book taking into the consideration would be effective solution and you’ll get all that you expect also easily.

Here’s what I love about Millennials: Our generation wants to learn about money. Young professionals want to know how to be better with money than their parents and their peers. They want to avoid making the same mistakes, and they want to ensure their financial future is secure. I love that Gen Y is eager to learn, and that my generation asks questions like, ‘How can I be financially successful?’ If you turn to personal finance blogs for answers, you’ll find …

Continuing The How To Get Money Fast Discussion

People are always seek ways to make a few extra bucks, no matter though it is online or through any form of employer. Sometimes it is important that they are able to make that money in a very short amount of time, meaning that they do not have the time to formally ask for a real job and wait for a paycheck. Instead, there are other means to make a few extra bucks for those who’re wondering how to make money fast. While these ideas will not make individuals rich, they can help when people need extra money in a very short amount of time.

Make Money Fast Today Options

Our needs are getting more and more deeper every day. Paying buying new furniture, bills, and certain other expenses. Yes, we have money of course, our salary from work. But is it enough? Do we have savings? How about the unexpected expenses? If you think the same, it means we gotta find a way to make money fast.